Who We Are

My parents knew: I had too many questions and too little time. There is no cure for curiosity so I have been on a path of exploring and discovering most of my life.
After a 12 year career in the medical field ( radiology and radiation therapy) and moving our family overseas more than once my  passion for design found an outlet:  Discovering  Photodex’ Proshow Producer I knew curiosity was going to absorb most of my awake time exploring the possibilities it provided. Soon bored  with the available styles, templates and transitions I started to design my own: not the cookie cutter creations I would find available.
With the help of my brother Michel I launched my first “outsidethebox” website in 2009. The physical distance between us no longer an issue in this time of cyberspace communication, we both delved into our new endeavor : Me designing the products and graphics, Michel designing the website. Always curious to find new ideas, never bored and suffering from too little time I remain dedicated to design products  storytellers love to use in their slide shows
Outsidetheboxstyles is mostly a one woman show when it comes to technical support . Spending much of my time working on new ideas you will find me online most days of the week, most hours of the day, but I do sleep sometimes and travel sometimes too. I  usually respond to questions within 24  hrs. If not, your email may have missed me, so try again. Cell phone and computer are always near and I love to help wherever possible . 

A few words about OUR HISTORY

outsidethebox.name launched

With the help of my brother Michel I launched my first “outsidethebox” website in 2009. The physical distance between us no longer an issue in this time of cyberspace communication, we both delved into our new endeavor : Me designing the products and graphics, Michel designing the website.


Launched the the new website outsidetheboxstyles.com coming from outsidethebox.name

Outsidetheboxstyles reworked

Launcing the new website made in WordPress. This site is based on Astra template and designed with Elementor. Introduced wishlist and other woocommerce options.

More info www.MDWebidee.nl

Outsidetheboxstyles reworked

Updated the site with the best theme there is in the field KADENCE. www.MDWebidee.nl

may 2020
Photopia products

As proshow producer stopped on january 2020 we decided  also to create products for PHOTOPIA.

Look at our Photopia stylepage for the latest Photopia styles

Photopia products
Good News

As I have been focussing on creating effects for Proshow Producer and rebuilding them in Photopia Director I have spent lots of time learning the ins and outs of Director and getting entangled in getting  Director issues resolved.
 I had not spent any time working with Photopia Creator and did not want to sell any product Creator compatible before making sure they are. 

Happy to let you know that they , indeed, all work in Creator just fine. All products designed for Photopia Director on our website are now also advertised as being Creator compatible.